Diamond Learning Center, Inc.

Learning Is For Everyone!

Am I Invisible?

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A journey of 10 year old twin brothers, Samuel and Elijah finding their individual voices, realizing that every child is born to shine - wrapped up in an inspirational message of celebration our differences and embracing Down syndrome.

We believe that Samuel's message will Empower Children with and without disabilities to be amazing adults of our tomorrow.


"Am I Invisible?" Is a true story of twin brothers, (one of which has Down
syndrome,) finding their individual voices and realizing every child is born
to shine - wrapped up in an inspirational message of celebrating our

Sam's dedication:
To all of my friends who feel invisible
To all the brothers and sisters who can help To all of the adults who think
they know what their child feels I bet you would never guess what they are
really feeling It's really worth listening and hearing what they say I don't
know any other twins, but I know there are many kids out there who felt like
Thank you all for listening and believing in me I'm not invisible and
neither are you!

From Sam's Mother:
Have you ever felt invisible?
Felt like no one sees you standing in the room.
No one hears your voice or sees your bright smile.
Well, you are not alone.
Samuel was one of those children, and A LOT of others feel invisible at
different times and situations in their lives.
Having a sibling or even a twin is like having a built in cheer team. One
who has your back. Sometimes it is a challenge to hear the cheer. There is
no other light that shines brighter than a child's light who feels loved,
supported, and embraced.

Samuel, thank you for sharing yourself.
You have found your voice and bright light, and you have
created an amazing opportunity to inspire other
children to love themselves, to hear their cheer
and shine ever so bright.

Love you, MOM

All children are Born to Shine
Enjoy Samuel's journey

Jami Hamel De La Cerda, M.S. SpEd
Founder/Education Specialist/ CEO Diamond Learning Center, Inc.
Adjunct faculty member CSUF in the Kremen School of Education and Human
Development Department of Literacy, Early, Bilingual and Special Education

Let's be honest . ALL of us, at some time in our lives have wished we were
just invisible. But sometimes, too much of a good thing turns out to be not
so good after all. Being invisible is one of those things. If you are the
twin of a person with special needs - like a really cool brother with Down
syndrome - you can become invisible just like the sun does during an
eclipse. That does not always feel good. We try to always teach that we
should not be defined by their disabilities but wait!!! What if your life
becomes defined by your brother or sister's disability and you lose your
special identity. In other words, you become invisible. Samuel has written
a book about his family experiences and he has beautifully expressed his
feelings about life with a twin who takes a little more of his parents'
time, gets a little more attention and is just more "visible". I think this
is an important book for siblings to read and to understand. With
understanding and knowledge, love grows and frustration and the feeling that
your voice is too small to be heard will become less important. After all,
this is about being INDIVISIBLE with your siblings, not being invisible and
apart. Good Job Samuel! You get it.

Michael J. Allshouse, DO, FACS, FAAP
Medical Director, Pediatric Surgery and
Pediatric Trauma Program
Valley Children's Hospital

This believable story, told through Sam's eyes with accompanying charming
illustrations, will be especially welcomed by families of children with
disabilities. The issues described by Sam are not at all exclusive to
siblings of children with Down syndrome.
The "invisible" child phenomenon is all too common in families where a
disabled child requires the parents' disproportionate energy and care.
Siblings will feel "heard" after reading this book and the parents will
enjoy Sam's insights as well.
An excellent book recommendation for families on this important, often
neglected, topic.
Cynthia J Curry
Director Genetic Medicine- Community Regional Medical Center, Fresno, Ca
Professor of Pediatrics Emerita, UCSF. Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics,

Our founder's son Samuel has written a book called "Am I Invisible?" under ISE publishing. 

For more information please contact us at